BCPI e-Document STORAGE Solutions
Electronic Document Storage
Quickly access, locate and request your important documents easily with our secure online system from anywhere!
- Stop wasting time and money looking through file cabinets and boxes. Free up expensive office space and eliminate the cost of off-site warehouse storage.
- Be able to recover your documents and important files in case of fires, floods or natural disasters.
- After the document conversion process your paper documents will be indexed and full-text searchable PDFs that you can share online, print and download.
- By using our instant search and retrieval options documents are instantly shared, tightly controlled, and archived.
- Document management security features control who has access to information.
- Documents are maintained in a safe, secure document storage system.
BCPI will customize and provide a complete records management system to fit your companies needs.
BCPI offers electronic document storage solutions that help corporate workgroups, research libraries, government offices, medical and legal organizations. You can safely and efficiently store your digital data, using a flexible and assessable storage system.
BCPI has performed literally millions of document imaging and scanning services for the U. S Government and private businesses. We are experts at solving for data storage and conversion. You do not have to be trapped in an obsolete technology. To see a list of some of our clients, go here.
Data Conversion & Scanning with OCR, ICR, OMR and Raster Scanning.
Aperture Cards
Blue Prints/Mylar
Conversion, translation, extractions: We can turn as office full of paper into a set of portable CD or DVD disks, databased and indexed.
Fast Expert Data Extraction, Indexing & Key Entry
Convert Electronic Document Format information to any format desired: Full Text, HTML, Tiff, Jpeg, GIF, AutoCad, etc.
Database Building with Alchemy, MS, SQL, Access or Oracle with stand-alone capabilities or over your local area network.
- Electronic Storage & Output on disk, tape, CD-ROM, DVD, RAID disk, Juke Box, etc.
- E-Doc Warehousing & Hosting with 24/7 document database hosting offered on Secured site
- Custom Training and Consulting
- On Demand Printing/Duplicating
Variable Data Printing
Printing from electronic files
Litigation Copying
Pick-up and Delivery
In house Bindery
Quick Turnaround
In-house storage of originals available